I just came across this design that I must stitch!
(..uh...so much from "stitching from stash and finishing only what I already have") --I probably didn't REALLY mean I should do that.
This lady is called Banbury Cross and it's from X's and Oh's.
I've ordered the chart and am thinking about what would be the perfect fabric, because if I do it, shes going to have a bit more ethereal/lively colors and I won't be stitching the black background. Maybe her dress will be in light shades of lavender...
I'm betting my friend, Paula at The Crossed Wing will have a lovely fabric for me for her. I just LOVE the way she dyes her fabrics!
I'm thinking about some sort of a background that is "foresty" or "twilight like."
Do you have any ideas?
What a beautiful chart! I love the beginning process to start a new project deciding the colors and fabrics. Do you think it would be a good start to first pull some colors and threads that you want to use? Then choose the fabric? Sounds like the two colors you mentioned would be gorgeous. I'm not familiar with the who you said has the fabrics.
Happy Blessed Easter! love Annette
So lovely! Where ever is she going to hang? ;) A Happy, Blessed Easter to you!
I don'nt know this chart but it looks beautiful and difficult!
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