I got....not very good at blogging and I neglected to tell you the BEST NEWS of ALL!!!!!
I DID get the Best in Section but not only that!!!!--- I got Best in SHOW! S H O W !!!!
Of course I started to cry when I really realized just exactly what that meant.
I heard voices behind me, "Look! She's crying! That's her picture"
A lady came up to me and told me she was there when they did the judging and the way they decide on Best in Show is they lay all the Best in Section things out on a long table. Then the judges look over them and vote on it.
She said they looked at it and it was like "Duh..."
Can you imagine my surprise (if you read my previous post), that I almost cried on the way home from watching the judging thinking for sure I wasn't going to get a Best in Section to actually getting Best in SHOW?!!!
Missed it by THAT much!
13 hours ago
Wow! I am so thrilled for you! This has been a long time coming for such a fabulous piece of needlework.
Hugs and more hugs,
Deb at Tempting Tangles
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you! Of course, Eleanor should be Best in Show! She is stunning!
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