Eleanor of Aquitaine is finally finished!!!
I started her in...2008?
But she got put away and I worked on other projects.
I decided she was worthy of finishing. And did NOT belong in a box.
PLUS, I have special friends that always tell me they check my blog and NO SIGN OF WORK ON ELEANOR.
So surprise to all of you, she's complete.
I was actually planning to work exclusively on her this year and (hopefully) finish her in time for the fair. BUT, my favorite framing shop and is closing and my FAVORITE FRAMER is moving to another state so I had to work on her NON-STOP!
I had to wake up at 5 each morning and start in on her before taking off for my day. And then rush home and work on her MORE. (Lucky me to have such a patient husband)
Anyway, I have a lovely frame and mat all picked out and she's going to shop on Tuesday. I've picked a navy blue mat with gold frames. I'M SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for all your cheering me on and wonderful compliments along the way.
They were sooo very much appreciated and truly helped keep me going. xxoo
Missed it by THAT much!
2 days ago