Here's the long-awaited framed picture of Eleanor.
I just can't seem to use the photo editing program to make this picture look anywhere near as gorgeous as it really is in person. My tablet just doesn't show the richness of color, at all. An example is to mention that the blanket its sitting on is really a lovely shade of gold...
I do LOVE the way it came out though and am so happy with the frame my favorite frame friend picked out. It has waves in it that a perfect with the mane on the horse and the swirls in her dress. And my framer also found this lovely inner frame that, to me,compliments the bridle and the coins in the chest strap of the bridle.
And of course, the suede mat is a nice, dark navy... (in REAL LIFE)
So, I entered it in the fair and one of the ladies told me that this year would be "open judging" and I was welcome to come and see what they judge on.
OH MY GOSH! Was I ever excited.
So I went...
Well. SIGH. Big sigh.
I really wanted to have Best in Section.
I got Best in Section last year with my Amy Mitten picture, the reallllly long one.
And I got Best in Section the year before with my REALLY big garden picture, called "Flower Power"
I just thought it would be SO COOOOL! to get Best in Section THREE TIMES IN A ROW!
Then I could quit.
So anyway, back to the judging...
I'm ok with the points off for a bit of kitty hair.
I expected it. To me, I think its AWESOME because its hair from my very favorite kitty of my whole life and he died a few years ago. (Its amazing how THEY can find it, too, btw. I was constantly picking it out with my tweezers as I would stitch and I didn't even see any)
And SHOOT! I did not clean the glass well enough, apparently...more points off! sigh
And oh yeah, out of the 80, 500 stitches, there were "about 10-15 LOOSE stitches" (which, truth be told were probably not actually LOOSE, but where I had the wrong color and stitched right over the top of it--lol) oh well
Wow. 92? ok, well that's still a blue ribbon, first place.
I really wanted Best in Section.
But I told myself I would still go to the fair and see it after she finishes judging the others and maybe, just MAYBE I'll still get Best in Section.
Missed it by THAT much!
2 days ago