Each year our sampler guild (Bay Area Sampler Guild, BASG) does a gift exchange. And if you want to participate in it, you draw a name and keep it secret. You agree to make a stitched gift for the person whose name you drew and then give it to them (usually at the holiday party in November)
I got Dorita. When I first joined the guild (still now, actually), whenever someone would call out her name, I would think it was ME they were talking to. LOL Apparently she does the same. haha
I just love gifts and things that have a PURPOSE.
So I came up with this letter D initial...found some really cute and colorful fabric...proceeded to change all the colors in my chart so they would match my fabric... and then added little French knots, scattered to mimic the fabric.
Tell me, WHO couldn't use (another) project bag?!
Almost time for Market releases
3 days ago