I've got an update for you!
See, I really *have* been doing a bit of stitching. With kitten in lap, as you can see from below. She's learning properly to lay in the lap and not bother my thread. (I only had to extract her hanging body and needle-like claws once from my picture). haha
It was my birthday on the fourth. This was really a nice birthday. I must say it was the most nicest one I've maybe ever had. The cards I received were so touching. And lots of nice messages on my facebook page (which I never go to, but think now I must just to say thank you to everyone). I guess I must have been nice this year! lol
Next week makes the one year makes that my mom died. sigh
I miss her but I'm doing ok. I'm just sure she visits me all the time. :)
Missed it by THAT much!
2 days ago