I just couldn't wait (but I did) to make this post and you show you this little needlebook that I made for a friend of mine, Leslie.
I knew her birthday was coming up and I wanted to make her something "goatie related" since she has 3 goats and is now in the process of knitting something from the fur of one of them. Fur that SHE SPUN! On her SPINNING WHEEL! Anyway, on a hunt I was to find the perfect design.
But alas...no cross stitch designs anywhere (that I could find). I did come across a 'lil bit of clip art of a super cute little goat. So I asked my girlfriend, Deb (Ohhhhhh Deb...you simply MUST check out her designs-I love them! http://www.etsy.com/shop/TemptingTangles?section_id=7204412 ) I am getting off track. Anyway, I asked Deb if she would take that bit of clip art and make it into something I could stitch. I am just NOT that clever...
So she did! YAY Deb!
Then, I took some pictures of Leslie's goat, Davis. And I switched all the colors around in the chart so my stitching would come out looking like Davis. I added some flowers under his feet and one in his mouth because, after all, WHAT goat could possibly resist putting a FLOWER in his mouth?!
I forgot to take a picture of the back. I stitched a pretty rose there in honor of Leslie's farm, Hedgerose Farm. (She's a great writer, too if you want to peek at her site... http://HedgeroseFarm.wordpress.com/ )
Happy Birthday Leslie!!