I have this gorgeous antique cabinet in my living room. Its tall and has 2 cupboards with glass doors and shelving inside. Between the 2 cupboards is a set of drawers and a pull down cover that makes it into a little desk. Its made from oak. It’s beautiful. I got it from some dear friends of mine. In it are all (or most!) of my stitching things.
I was going through that cabinet and found way too many things that I had started but set aside and never got around to finishing. Too messy!
So I started pulling things out. A cute set of witches I wanted to make into a floss tag thingy, the Hillside Samplings Necessaire that I must have started 3 years ago… A sweet little needle book from C.A. Wells, and the Chatelaine Leporello. All are just so beautiful and so deserve to be finished!
I passed the needlebook and the leporello off to my friend, Valerie, who does incredible finishing work. I did part of the finishing work on each of them but then I got stuck on the instructions and set them aside. Valerie loves a challenge so I was happy to hand them to her.
I finished the witches and then started working on the Necessaire. What a challenge that was. I’m such a visual girl and I couldn’t find any close up pictures to it anywheres on the web. So if you are someone working on this and wants to see close up pictures, let me know, I took plenty.
I am not an alphabet girl. So I left the letters off. I love how it turned out.