I signed up with my guild to make a Christmas gift for someone. Of course, my luck drew the name of THE most challenging, talented, knowledgeable woman in the group...of course.
So I knew I must make something extra wonderful.
I thought and thought and thought and thought some more!
OK. I'll make a tote bag. Everyone loves tote bags!
And they are USEFUL. I like things that serve a purpose.
(Its my practical nature)
I went to the fabric store and chose the fabric. Its so lovely.
Then I snapped a photo of the fabric, put it in my designers program and then spent many, many hours redoing my picture. Because of course, it PIXELED it. And I was not about to stitch "confetti."
I found some red Lugana 25 ct. to match the background of the fabric and stitched my design on it. I liked how it turned out.
Then I finally had to put the tote bag together.
Oh dear...
I've never stitched one of them before.
So I procrastinated until nearly the last minute.
It was a lined one, to make matters even worse (and it did not say "EASY" on the pattern. Plus I changed the shape of it, too.
Now, I'm NOT a very experienced seamstress.
Fact, I should have really had someone else do it.
But I did it.
Definitely learned some things while doing it.
(not how to avoid having a pucker here or there, though) sigh lol
I wonder if I should place an apology note in the bottom of it....
But its finished!